What advantages does Leadpoint have to meet your needs?

What advantages does Leadpoint have to meet your needs?

Leadpoint Technology (HK) Co.,

Limited is a leading manufacturer of engineering mechanical parts and custom components.
We offer on-demand mechanical manufacturing for cutting-edge industries worldwide.

Our broad client base spans many global industries, including automotive, motorsport, industrial, medical, aerospace, marine, and defence. We manage your needs from concept and tooling through to complete coated assemblies. We pride ourselves on client confidentiality, which is always of paramount importance.

The Leadpoint team has decades of experience and success in offering custom mechanical components.
Our machining process has resulted in supplying a large field of applications and industries, including Automotive, Automation, and Medical, which has led us to the forefront of our industry.

Leadpoint’s close communication, competitive pricing, rapid response and timely deliveries have cultivated strong and lasting relationships with our customers.